Srcerizder's Homepage


all of the PangeaSoft games from jorio have been ported now. These were games originally for Mac OS X & OS 9 on 'new world' PowerPC iMacs. They hold a special place in my heart.

as OpenBSD has a macppc architecture support, i thought it'd be funny to port these modern reimplementations to our ports tree so those on OpenBSD/macppc can relive the classics

games/nanosaur2 was done by op@ in ports@.

7.5 is out now, which means these should be available on all supported architectures, all you need is a 3d accelerated graphics card. :)

I highly recommend you support the original creators here:

none of this would have been possible without their efforts.

The Games

Some Screenies

I also maintain a few other miscellaneous ports:

The Repository

back to $(head -n1) ?
index page!
backdrop artwork by Osamu Sato
